Each appointment slot is 15 minutes. If you require more time i.e.if you have a number of issues to discuss or require procedures it may be necessary to make two separate appointments. If you are booking for a specific test or procedure e.g. cervical smear, vaccinations, ear syringing, blood tests, joint injections – please let us know when booking your appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time for your needs.
Each appointment slot is for one person only. If you would like to have a second family member seen at the same appointment please let us know when you are booking the appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time.
In the case of an emergency please let us know immediately by phone so that we can make arrangements for you to be seen straight away.
Each appointment slot is 15 minutes. If you require more time i.e.if you have a number of issues to discuss or require procedures it may be necessary to make two separate appointments. If you are booking for a specific test or procedure e.g. cervical smear, vaccinations, ear syringing, blood tests, joint injections – please let us know when booking your appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time for your needs.
Each appointment slot is for one person only. If you would like to have a second family member seen at the same appointment please let us know when you are booking the appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time.
In the case of an emergency please let us know immediately by phone so that we can make arrangements for you to be seen straight away.
Each appointment slot is 15 minutes. If you require more time i.e.if you have a number of issues to discuss or require procedures it may be necessary to make two separate appointments. If you are booking for a specific test or procedure e.g. cervical smear, vaccinations, ear syringing, blood tests, joint injections – please let us know when booking your appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time for your needs.
Each appointment slot is for one person only. If you would like to have a second family member seen at the same appointment please let us know when you are booking the appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time.
In the case of an emergency please let us know immediately by phone so that we can make arrangements for you to be seen straight away.
Each appointment slot is 15 minutes. If you require more time i.e.if you have a number of issues to discuss or require procedures it may be necessary to make two separate appointments. If you are booking for a specific test or procedure e.g. cervical smear, vaccinations, ear syringing, blood tests, joint injections – please let us know when booking your appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time for your needs.
Each appointment slot is for one person only. If you would like to have a second family member seen at the same appointment please let us know when you are booking the appointment so that we can allocate the appropriate time.
In the case of an emergency please let us know immediately by phone so that we can make arrangements for you to be seen straight away.
Servicios >> Salud de los hombres
"Prevenir es mejor que curar" es un viejo adagio, y todavía suena verdadero. Los hombres a menudo se involucran en el abandono benigno de nuestra propia salud. Hay muchas áreas de "mantenimiento preventivo" que su médico puede emprender. Haga una cita específica para un chequeo de salud integral. Muchos hombres hacen esto en su cumpleaños.
Las siguientes condiciones pueden no tener síntomas en etapas tempranas.
La salud cardiovascular es clave para prevenir ataques cardíacos y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Fumar, presión arterial, colesterol, pruebas de diabetes, peso y ejercicio son áreas que podemos investigar e intervenir si es necesario.
Atrial fibrillation is a common treatable cause of stroke, visit the Irish Heart Foundation for more information.
El diagnóstico y la prevención del cáncer son importantes: hable con su médico de cabecera sobre las pruebas de detección del cáncer de intestino, cáncer de pulmón, pruebas de próstata y PSA. El cáncer de piel, incluido el melanoma maligno, es común. El cáncer de testículo es el cáncer más común en hombres jóvenes de 20 a 35 años de edad.
Otras afecciones: la hemocromatosis (exceso de hierro) es mucho más común en los hombres. La diabetes es común y se llama "el asesino silencioso". No tienen síntomas en las primeras etapas. Afortunadamente podemos diagnosticarlos antes de que surjan complicaciones.
Aneurismas aórticos abdominales: (AAA) afectan a aproximadamente 1 de cada 25 hombres mayores de 65 años. A menudo no tienen síntomas. Hable con su médico de cabecera sobre AAA. Visite el sitio de NHS para más información.